CEEG has instigated by a group of professionals in 2008 to support and empower the youth to find livelihoods by reinforcing the education and skill. CEEG has been able to mark an active presence in the field of skill development in Kerala during its twelve year career. Thousands of young people have gained expertise in a variety of occupations through training centers of CEEG in most districts of Kerala and have proven the beautiful path of survival. CEEG is in the process of developing a very large vocational training network through various colleges and expanding the existing vocational training systems to areas that do not address it.

Enhance Employability Skills

Skill development has been considered one of the critical aspects for job creation in India. India has a unique demographic advantage with more than 60 % of the population is in young age group. The shortage of candidates with the right skills has many employers changing their strategies so they can re skill and up skill workers who are already on board. This approach requires having specific goals of each employee and understanding the skills that workers currently hold and the skills they will need to fill future roles. CEEG is modifying the training and development programs to ensure that employees have specific knowledge to fill the gaps. CEEG is creating an institutional platform that enables information, voice,assets and human resources of the poor to be aggregated, amplified and scaled up.

 Board examination for 10th & 12th    |    Franchise Enquiry for NSDC centres    |    assessments & certifications    |    Bvoc programs    |   

Accreditations/ Affiliations

Government of Kerala
NSDC- National Skill DEvelopment Corporation
Tata Institute of Social Science- Deemed to be University
Directorate of Technical Education -DTE
NIOS-National Institute of Open Schooling
Cambridge University
NITI Aayog
NIESBUD-National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
Mangalayatan University- Vocational Training Provider
SGSU -SCOPE Global Skills University
LBS- Centre for Science and Technology
KASE- Kerala Academy for Skills Excellence
SRC- State Resource Center Kerala
NABARD- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
BOSSE- Board of Open Schooling and Skill Education
NIIT Foundation- National Institute of Information Technology
Malabar Polytechnic College- Maravattom
DVOC Council
MANUU- Maulana Azad National Urdu University Vocational Training Programme
Medhavi Skills University
BSS- Bharath Sevak Samaj
Jalanidhi project (KRWSA)- Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency
JSS- Jan Shikshan Sansthan
ANHC- Ayurvedic Natural Health Centre
Kerala Government Polytechnic College Kozhikode
MSME- Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises.
KAL -Kerala Automobiles Limited
AISECT- All India Society for Electronics and Computer Technology
DAY NULM- Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission
Himalayan University

Industry partners

IIB Education
PMSA District co operative hospital
Shihab Thangal Co-Operative Hospital
INDUS Motors
Imperio CNC tech private Ltd.